Change Windows Firewall Profile

I am continually needing to change peoples firewall profiles in my job as when Windows Updates come through or when connected to another network, people always seem to choose No, don’t allow my computer to be found on the network.

This puts them into the public network category and locks their computer down. Problem is many a time they share or host data to other people, or you expect ICMP ping to respond around the network.

So every time I search for the command, I seem to get a different method and/or different site explains how to do it. So I thought it time to lock the below in on my own site as I never seem to remember the commands myself. So here they are:

Find out the interface index of the network adaptor you wish to change by:

Then you can set this with the below of to the Private or even Domain profile if there are major network issues:
<code>Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex -NetworkCategory Private</code>

Identify The IP Address Of A WSD Installed Printer

Here is a way to discover the IP address of a WSD printer

<code>Get-PrinterPort | fl name

Get-PrinterPort -name WSD-number -computername YourPrintserver | ft DeviceURL</code>

Another way is to just

<code>Get-PrinterPort | fl</code>

and scroll through 😉

Outlook Signatures Window Not Openning

Having troubles openning the signatures window in Outlook 2016 after installing the Office 365 version. Try the below commands to fix it in an elevated power shell prompt:

<code>Set-TimeZone -Name “W. Australia Standard Time”
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | where { $_.Packagename -like ‘*Office*’ } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
Get-AppxPackage | ? { $_.Name -like “*Office*” } | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | where { $_.Packagename -like ‘*Microsoft.DesktopApp*’ } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online</code>

MJ-6709B Bluetooth Barcode Scanner User Manual

I was looking everywhere for this user manual online and it seems no one has it, so here is a link to my hosting of it.

Click to access MJ-6709B_BluetoothBarcodeScanner_UserManual.pdf

Click to access MJ-6709B_BluetoothBarcodeScanner_UserManual_1200Horz.pdf

Click to access MJ-6709B_BluetoothBarcodeScanner_UserManual_1200Vert.pdf

Links edited with HTTP/S connections now that Google Chrome doesn’t want to use FTP
Links edited with higher resolution versions after Alessandro comments below.
Links edited again due to someone externally sharing my links (300-400MB per day of downloads), please play fair or I’ll have to remove these files.